Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles

Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles is a humanitarian programme founded by Sri Chinmoy. To date, it has distributed humanitarian aid to nearly 150 countries around the world. There is now a new website, which in the future, will host recent programmes and initiatives.
To Sri Chinmoy charitable and humanitarian projects were always an expression of a oneness heart which seeks to identify with others.
“With our loving hearts, we identify and become one with what others are. This power that loves can solve world problems. This power is full of self-giving, not with a sense of sacrifice, but with the feeling of serving all humanity as our own brothers and sisters. Through both our loving silence and devoted service, we contribute to the betterment of the entire world.”
Kids To Kids programme
Kids receiving toys in Angola
One initiative of the Oneness Heart Tears and Smiles programme is the initiative to link children from developed countries with children who have experienced poverty or natural disasters. This programme is more than just sharing material aid. It seeks to develop friendship between children of very different cultures.