When I am Gone Away, Remember Me - a song by Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy wrote this song for his students in 1974, and asked that it be sung only upon his entry into Mahasamadhi and departure from this earth. During the memorial service for Sri Chinmoy yesterday, the song was sung by a choir of Sri Chinmoy's students in a way that brought heaven down to earth.
When I am gone away,
Remember me, O children sweet,No, not because I failed,
No, not because I cried,
No, not because I tried,No, not because I saw my Lord in you,
No, not because I served my Lord in you,
No, not because I fulfilled my Lord in you,No, not because I was your Pilot true,
No, not because I was your 'Infinite' blue,O but because my life was all gratitude, gratitude, gratitude
To you, to you, my children sweet, to you.
Thank you to Michael for inspiring this post; you can read more about this song on his comment on our tribute form, and also read an indescribably beautiful essay he wrote in tribute of Sri Chinmoy on the Sri Chinmoy Centre site.
Photo by: Kedar Misani, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries.